Better Copy and Paste With These Android Apps

It doesn’t get much simpler than copying and pasting. It’s such a common and useful task that many people even know the keyboard shortcuts Ctrl + C for copying and Ctrl + V for pasting. You might think that would be the long and short of it but you would be mistaken. In fact copy …

PopClip: The App Your Mac Needs

The apps in the Mac store are usually of very high quality since they are heavily screened and tested before ever coming close to the marketplace. PopClip is a great app which follows suit with these standards. In principle it is a simple app. When text is selected PopClip springs to action. With any imaginable …

Ctrl+C the Simple Solution to Copying Text on Android

Ever since the inception of the smart phone and the use of texting and mobile browsing has exploded, the text copying methods have left much to be desired. Sharing text excerpts with others has been a harrowing and burdensome path involving tons of frustration. Ctrl+C for Android offers up a great solution to this annoying …