Tabs Outliner: Possibly the Best Tab and Browser Saving Extension Out There

About a week ago I reviewed an extension for Google Chrome that dealt with the concept of saving and exporting tabs from the your browser. That extension left several things to be desired and left me pleased, but not satisfied with the results. It then came to my attention with the help of our great …

OneTab: The Tab Saving, Importing and Exporting Extension for Chrome

If you’re like me there are simply times when you just need to have thirty tabs open for various projects or random things you were looking up and it gets to the point where you actually need every single one of those thirty. This creates an issue because sure, you can just bookmark them all …

Status Snapper: The Google Chrome Extension for Capturing and Saving Facebook Posts

Everyone these days has a Facebook. Whether it’s your grandma or younger sister, people are posting things to Facebook everyday, usually multiple times a day. There is always that time when you see something on there that you wish you could easily just take a screen capture of and share with your friends on Facebook. …