How to Sign Out Google Account on Android Smartphone

This tutorial will explain how to singout or remove your Google, Gmail account from Android based device. By using these steps, you can also singout or remove your Facebeook, Instagram, WhatsApp, or Twitter accounts as well.Mostly we are using more than one account on our Android devices and want to singout or remove this account …

60+ Beautiful Muslim Hijab Quotes and Sayings

Mostly rumors are being spread that Hijab is only Muslim Girl or women clothing and hijab is sign of oppression to women. These rumors are baseless, because wearing hijab is personal choice and some women believe that Allah (GOD) instructed women to wear it as a means of fulfilling His commandment for modesty. The word …

How automatically pause video when minimize VLC player on Windows 10

Netflix application automatically pauses when you minimize, Same functionality is available in Movies & TV app on Windows 10. VLC player is one of the ideal video player for Windows OS. This player is most famous because of its built-in videos codecs. There is a lot of features that many users don’t even know. If …

How to clean and sanitize your phone during the Coronavirus (COVID-19) spread

To prevent Covid-19 coronavirus spread, all countries health authorities are advising peoples to keep their hands clean and avoid touching your face. But what about touching bundle of germs on your smartphones?Most of behavioral studies shows that an average person touch their smartphone around 76 times a day. According to some test results research scientist …

‘Plague Inc.’ App increases Downloads after CoronaVirus Outbreak

If you want to know about coronavirus? it’s family of viruses that cause a range of illnesses in human including cold and severe form like SARS and MERS which are indeed life-threatening. Unfortunately, this life-threatening disease has been rapidly spreading across lately and it stared in China, Wuhan. For your information, this virus outbreak also …

Best File and Folder Locking Software’s for Windows 10 PC

Whether you are a business or personal user, it is important to have some form of folder locking software in place for all your document data, else maybe some unauthorized user can access these files. That’s why it is essential for a business or personal user to ensure they have put some lock that will …