Cinemagram is Launched for Android Devices

Cinemagram is an odd little app to describe, but it is quite an entertaining and useful one at times. What it boils down to is essentially an Instagram for short movies or GIF files. While this may seem a bit weird, I assure you the demand is there, and the entertainment value is great. This app has been a long time coming since it has been available for iOS for quite a while, and the developers have hinted at this app for Android for over a year.

To really say what this app does you really need to understand what a GIF is. It is a small segment of a video which loops back over and over of the same clip to create a little video that never ends. You can finally turn your own videos into these GIFs and even clip, edit, and choose which portions of the video to animate and which to remain still.

The app is still brand new to the Android market and so there are the inevitable flaws and bugs which need to be ironed out. The bottom line is that the app is still very fun and allows you to make the absolute quickest short video clips to share and get to your friends. Vine is a very similar app which allows creation and sharing of videos, so we’ll see which app wins the Beta Max vs. VHS style battle in the end.

Google Play: Cinemagram App for Android

[Image Credit: Google Play Store]

External Keyboard Helper: Helps Make the Most of an Attached Keyboard

Anyone who uses an Android device for more than just leisure has flirted with the idea of connecting an external keyboard to their device. No matter how good a touch keyboard interface is, or how well the applications are set up around them, you can expect some bumps in the road or some problems to arise. External Keyboard Helper Pro is an app that was specially designed to make your external keyboard function to the best of its ability and make your portable computing experience the best it can be.

The thing about this app is that it really does help make using an external keyboard better. Features such as a whole slew of international keyboard layout supports, combining character shortcuts, and full layout and modification customization within the app. Using a keyboard the way you want to with an Android will have never been less painless.

There is a demo version available for free, but it is pretty stripped down compared to the actual paid version which is only $2.48 in the app store. The great thing about this app is that any issues that are brought up are discussed and usually fixed within a very short period of time and customer support seems to be amazing. Working with external, third party hardware can be very frustrating, but the tutorials and walkthroughs they have set up make the process much easier and better to navigate.

If you use an external keyboard or need better support for your keyboard and Android device, then check out External Keyboard Helper. I feel like this app is worth it for the international layout feature alone, but the other aspects just make it hard to turn down.

Google Play: External Keyboard Helper Pro

[Image Credit: Google Play Store]

Newly Redesigned Google Play Store Released Today

Google Play is now the storefront for all Android based app downloads and products. The interface has been updated heavily over the past few years, but now the Google Play Store has been completely redesigned and released today. Hold onto the edge of your seats and prepare yourself to discover all that the new Google Play Store has to offer.

The news of the Google Play Store renovation has been rumored for a few months now. This morning however, Google made the official announcement about their release of the new platform. The new version of the Google Play Store features a more streamlined approach to the marketplace and better integration of the Google services like searching and Google Now.

The main difference is the quality and the presentation of the user interface, or UI. They have switched to a “card” system rather than their old lists. Now icons feature the presentation of the app or widget rather than simply a name on a list. Google Play also removed over 60,000 apps from their stock to slim down the number of low selling, low performing, and unwanted apps. This is a step towards improving the overall experience and only having great quality apps for Android users.

Don’t fret if your Google Play Store goes without being updated for a little while. The strain this will put on Google’s servers will be enormous, so while some will have the new store today, others may be weeks behind.

Source : Android Blog

LightMail: A Great Mail App for iPhone

One of the biggest problems with the built in iPhone app suite is the mail app. It leaves so much to be desired that most users seek a third party resolution. Although there are many mail alternative apps out there for iPhone users, there is a great one that is simple and easy to use, but allows all of the features the stock app doesn’t have. It’s called LightMail.

One of the main issues I had with the mail app on iPhone was with attachments. Writing and blogging all of the time means that I’m constantly being emailed attachments and sending attachments to other people. In the stock mail app you have to scroll down to the particular message and dig it out no matter how far back it is, or how difficult it may be to find. In LightMail, every attachment is stored in one, easy to find place. This eliminates a lot of the guesswork or finding these.

Also, for some reason or another my iPhone email never seemed to fully sync with all of the mail carriers I had it linked to, but I haven’t had that issue yet with LightMail. Signing up all of your notifications for your email addresses into the LightMail interface is quick and easy. And, with offline reading, you can download emails to save and read later if you know you’ll be somewhere without network or WiFi connection.

Last but not least the app is free which means you have very little to lose. I liked it and now use it as my go to email app for my iPhone and iPad, but if you don’t it’s not like you wasted any money on it. If you’ve been battling with your default email app give this a try and I can almost guarantee you’ll be converted.

Source: LightMail App for iPhone

[Image Credit: iTunes Store]

Facebook Home for Android APK: Leaked Download Available

With all of the hype about the new Facebook phone, the home screen and the way this will work there has been nothing but misinformation and hype. Where the truth begins and the stories end are hard to tell, but now you can decide for yourself and get a little closer by trying out the newly leaked APKs. At first glance the actual functionality of the app seems rather limited and the smoothness of the app is stunted. Nevertheless, I’m sure some people out there want to jump on board and give it a spin.

Here’s what you need to test out this Facebook Home leak: an Android device with a maximum resolution of 1280 x 768 and the ability to uninstall your Facebook app. Once you uninstall the Facebook app you can download the three part APK.

If you want to try it out, go for it, but keep in mind this is a leak and not a fully tested, functional version of anything. This is also not an approved app from any app store, so the content might be a little more buggy and not as professional as you’re used to. That being said, if you’re just dying to try out the Facebook home in anyway possible give it a try.

Source: MoDaCo

The Top 10 Best Android Apps of All Time

The Google Play has become the Android’s go-to place for everything app, widget, and game wise. Finding out which apps are the best can be hard which is why we have created this list of the best Android apps. There are apps for almost anything you can think of and there are more being added every single day. It is one of the most priceless resources to make your Android device all it can be, and make it suit your needs. Here are the top 10 apps for the Android in the Google Play Store.

Dolphin Browser for Android ;


The Dolphin Browser is one of the best internet browser apps and one of the most popular apps in the Google Play Store. With an incredibly high user rating, and over 1 million highly positive reviews, that many people can’t all be wrong. Dolphin Browser is one of the apps every Android user should have on their device, no questions asked.

FlipBoard: Your News Magazine ;


FlipBoard revolutionized the way we receive and view news from around the world and within our own social networks. It perfectly combines news and our social media accounts into one stream of relevant information that we actually care about.

WhatsApp Messenger for Android ;


WhatsApp is a personal favorite app of mine. It allows cross platform and cross device communication in a way that is almost impossible to outdo. WhatsApp made emoji communication from iPhone to Android one of the best experiences possible and allowed picture and messaging for free around the world to its millions of users.

Evernote for Android ;


Evernote was an up and comer into the world of mobile device apps just a couple of years ago, but is now a household name. Evernote revolutionized the way we track notes and keep tabs of everything we do from device to device and on the internet. No Android device is complete for anyone who is a student or in the working world, without Evernote.

PicsArt for Android ;


PicsArt is an amazing app that makes art creation and photo editing a breeze on the Android device. With nearly all positive reviews by the millions of users of PicsArt, the app outperforms the high standards it sets on a daily basis. Photo editing, drawing, sharing, wallpaper creation, and camera effects have never been easier to do than with PicsArt.

N7player Music Player ;


Hands down the best music playing app available for Android devices. With n7player Music Player, music no longer dictates how it will play on your device, the app takes control and makes sure every song sounds right and loads correctly. If you listen to music on your Android ever, use n7player to do so.

SwiftKey Keyboard for Android ;


SwiftKey is one of those household names now too. It is a keyboard app that makes the Android perform the way you always wanted it to. It is a third party app that you need to buy and use over your default keyboard, but once you make the switch the only regret you will have is not doing it sooner. From the users, and some of the highest renowned names in technology, SwiftKey has earned its spot as the top keyboard app that is necessary to the best Android experience.

ES File Explorer File Manager ;


ES File Explorer File Manager is the app you were always wanting and maybe even searching for on your device but never found since it doesn’t come standard. The one thing you may realize when using this app is how you possibly got along for so long without it. It perfectly manages apps and files and documents and everything else on your device and syncs it with clouds, servers, and other data management for the best and easiest all around file management system out there.

Adobe Reader for Android ;


As with the last app, Adobe Reader should come standard on every device, but doesn’t. It allows the best way to see and use all of the services the internet has to offer in an uninhibited way. Like it or not, Adobe is a cornerstone of the internet and having a device that can’t read Adobe is like living in Mexico and not speaking Spanish. Get Adobe Reader for your Android device and never look back.

App Lock for Android ;


Finally a security system for your phone’s apps that works with App Lock. Usually Android device security is all based in the unlock of the home screen, and once you’re through that everything is up for grabs. App Lock makes sure only you can get into the apps you want and anyone who may have access to you phone cannot unless they know the passwords or unlock patterns.

The top ten apps for Android devices on the Google Play store are right there for your pleasure. You may have heard of all of them, or none of them, but the important thing is that they’re there for you now. Get these top 10 apps for your Android today and make the most of your Android device.

[Image Credit: Google Play Store]