Sliding Messaging Pro: Great New Messaging App for Android in Beta

If you’re an Android user who is always looking for the next greatest and easiest way to send, manage and receive texts, then there is a new app you should check out. While still in beta, Sliding Messaging Pro is a great app that is taking the Android market by storm. Combining many aspects of other texting services together into one, this app makes texting easier and better to use than many other apps out there.

The name Sliding Messaging Pro is given to this app because it’s interface is based off of using two sliding aspects of the app. One is the left side which can be slid to open up the contacts who you have current conversations with and the other is the right side which is slid to open the conversation with each contact. It may sound confusing, but using the app makes a ton of sense when you’re actually in it.

The app also comes with 8 different themes which can be used or a new theme can be made from scratch. This kind of customization is rare to find in this kind of app, but surely a pleasant surprise. Another cool aspect is emoji support. Android users are always feeling left behind since their iPhone using friends have all of those funny characters they can send back and forth and now you can too.

Depending on what you use texting for this app could also help streamline the way you go about ding group messages and pictures sharing as well. It is also still in beta so every aspect of this app will continue to be refined and improved upon as time goes on.

Google Play: Sliding Messaging | Sliding Messaging Pro

[Image Credit: Google Play Store]

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