SickSky – A Minimalist Launcher For Android

SickSky Launcher aims to reduce your Android home screen to its core by eliminating all clutter. Usually, the home screen is filled with dozens of icons for each app you have installed unless you’ve manually organized all of them. If you want a clean home screen but still keep quick access to all of your apps, SickSky is a great choice.

SickSky Launcher is divided into three separate panels arranged in a column. The top panel is for displaying basic data like temperature, date and time. The middle panel is used as the main display and shows more detailed weather and calendar information or shows all available apps on the device. The bottom panel is for quickly accessing the calendar or your apps, with a calendar button on the bottom left and the app button on the bottom right. Tapping the calendar button brings up a quick view of your calendar app while tapping the apps button shows the apps which would otherwise populate your home screen. SickSky shows 16 apps at a time and you can swipe left or right to view the rest and tap to launch. You can also view more detailed weather data – including a 5-day forecast – by tapping the temperature area on the top left.

There are some very basic options to change units (for the weather section) or time format but besides that, customization is kept to a bare minimum. There is no support for widgets or app folders but that is part of the app’s philosophy of clean minimalism. The interface is fairly attractive and modern looking and the numbers are bright and easy to read. There is an interesting design choice with the time display and the hours are larger and brighter than the minutes which emphasizes the particular hour.

SickSky Launcher is available now on Google Play for free but note that it is still currently in beta. If you’d like to try a less cluttered home screen or basic launcher, give it a try.

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