Hungry Now: A Fast Food Finding app for the Windows Phone

We’re still on a bit of a Windows Phone kick here at TechnoBB, so here’s another little gem of an app that’s new and exclusive to Windows Phone. It’s called Hungry Now. The app essentially comes into play when you get that feeling of sudden, and intense hunger that accompanies those awkward stomach gurgling noises and other embarrassing, uncontrollable things. Hungry Now is great at what it does. Sure, you can always do an internet search for what kinds of places are around you to eat, but it’s not as concentrated or fast as the results from Hungry Now are. With this app all of the relevant fast food restaurants in your vicinity are tapped into and displayed on a mapped out area. This shows you what is close, what kinds of restaurants and exactly how far they are.

The best part of this app is the simple yet customizable user interface. With most apps of this simplicity there is no customization and what you see is kind of what you get. With Hungry Now you can go in and select which restaurants you want shown in your search results and which ones you don’t. This means if you’re simply a burger man and you’re in an area where Mexican food is king, that lone burger place will pop up to be your savior.

This app is great for people who are on the road a lot or just new to a general area, or even people who just want to see exactly what is around in the city they live in. It really is quite useful for being as simple as it is. Once you get this app you’ll never go hungry again, as long as places are open that is.

The last thing worth mentioning is that the app is free. Also, it is worldwide. This means the app will come to your aid no matter where in the world you are that has fast food. A great app for travelers or students, Hungry Now will get you to fast food, fast.

Source: Hungry Now App For Windows Phone

[Image Credit: Windows Phone Store]

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  1. It is one of the best apps out there, especially for people outside the US. And one of the 2 I really miss since switching to android from windows. Hope it is released for android too. Cheers.

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