Top Five Best Bookmark Managers

Bookmarks might seem like an odd relic of the early days of internet browsers. If you liked a site, you could quickly add it to your bookmarks to quickly visit anytime you used your browser. Although they’ve been around for a while and even replaced in some ways by mobile apps and more advanced browsers, the fact remains that good old fashioned bookmarks are still one of the best ways to organize, save, and revisit your favorite links on the web. Rather than fully replacing bookmarks, smartphones, tablets, newer browsers and apps make saving and using them easier and more convenient than ever. Here are some great bookmark managers to try out.

1. Pocket


Pocket lets you save links to content from nearly any device from smartphones to PCs and then access them again from any device using your master Pocket account. From browser extensions that lets you save to Pocket with a click, to apps for nearly every mobile device, Pocket’s support for a wide range of browsers is unmatched.

2. iCloud Bookmarks


For heavy users of all things Apple, the iCloud bookmark manager is great for keeping everything synced up. From your iMac, to iPhone to browser, iCloud lets you easily save, organize, and access bookmarks on any of these platforms and devices. It’s definitely recommended if you’re an iCloud and Apple fan.

3. Xmarks


Xmarks is one of the best bookmark managers if you use multiple browsers on multiple platforms. You can access everything from your Xmarks account via a web interface that stores all bookmarks you’ve ever saved on any browser. It’s great if you like to use different browsers on different computers but want to easily access a large collection of bookmarks. There are also mobile app versions with Xmarks Premium.

4. Delicious


Delicious is a combination of bookmark manager and social networking service. It has a unique feature that lets users share and rate bookmarks so you can quickly see what’s of interest to friends and other users and check it out for yourself. It’s also a top rate bookmark manager with web access to all of your bookmarks.

5. Google Bookmarks


If you’re looking for a spartan bookmark manager, Google Bookmarks is a very simple but effective one. With Google Bookmarks, you can save, label, and add notes to links on the web which will be automatically stored in Google’s cloud and tied to your Google account. You can then easily access them anywhere you can access your Google account via web browser. If you don’t want too many confusing bells and whistles, this bookmarks manager is a real humdinger.

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