Google Keep: Note Taking Web App and Android App Now Available

Everyone comes across that time in their online browsing or daily activities when they just need to make a quick note of something. Usually you forget and don’t write it down and it all seems to be meaningless until that thing you needed to remember comes up. It’s very frustrating and in the world of today with little things to remember around every corner there is finally a good app that can help you do all of these things and more. Google rolled out a new app experience called Keep. This is directly integrated with Google Drive, so users of that service will have everything they make a note of instantly transferred there as well to make sure it goes with you everywhere your mobile devices do.

So what exactly is Google Keep? It’s basically a note taking service, but on steroids. It not only allows you to make notes on anything and everything on the fly, and in an organized way, but it can also have pictures, captions, voice integration and checklists. Personally, I think this performs better for what I need than Evernote. After that huge EverNote security issue, if you’re looking for an alternative then check out Google Keep.

Never forget about your daily activities or things you need to make a quick note of again. The interface is great and natural and takes no time at all to learn. It’s a great option and it will truly help the way you organize your life.

Source: Google Keep for Android

[Image Credit: Google Play Store]

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